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1. Overview and Causes
2. Symptoms
3. TCM Effectiveness and Evaluation
4. Common Syndromes and Treatments in TCM
  a. Heat-toxic attacks on Blood Vessels
  b. Deficiency of Qi and Blood
5. Healing by Other Therapies
Qigong and other
Medicated diet
Life style


1. Overview and Causes

Allergic Purpura is a disorder with bleeding beneath the skin or mucous membranes. It causes the surface of the skin. Allergic purpura is a disease caused by allergy to bacteria, parasites, food, or medicine etc. leading to bleeding of capillaries. It affects not only the skin, but joints, gastric-intestinal tract and kidney.

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2. Symptoms

(a) Purple patches on the skin--more patches appear on both sides of lower limbs and hips, or upper limbs may also be affected and the affected area may be slightly itchy;
(b) Meanwhile, patient has fever, abdominal pain, nausea, vomit, bloody stools, joint pain, etc.

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3. TCM Effectiveness and Evaluation

Usually TCM is very effective when treating this disease. In more severe cases, it may take from 2-6 weeks for the symptoms improve, if not completely disappear. For cases with symptoms persisting for an extended period of time, and especially if combined with a chronic kidney infection, the treatment duration would be longer.

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4. Common Syndromes and Treatments in TCM

This ailment, according to TCM, has different syndromes. The treatment for these syndromes using herbal medicine and acupuncture is shown below.

Syndrome (a)
Heat-toxic attacks on Blood Vessels

A patient with heat-toxic attacks will show purplish and red patches on his or her skin which may vary in size and in form. There patient may also have a red tongue with a fast pulse and dark yellow urine.

To treat by Herbal medicine
Therapeutic principle: Clear away heat-toxic thereby cooling blood.

Prescription/Formula: Modified Decoction for Clearing away Heat from the Ying System (qing ying tang) (shui nu jiao) 30g, salvia (dan shen) 9g, uncooked rehmannia (sheng di) 15g, moutan bark (mu dan pi) 9g, (xuan shen) 20g, (jin yin hua) 9g, (lian qiao) 9g, (da qing ye) 9g, etc.


To treat by Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Therapeutic principle: Clear-away heat and toxic by reducing method.

Prescription: LI 11 (qu chi), ST. 36 (zu san li), LI 4 (he gu), SP. 10 (xue hai), SP.6 (san yin jiao), LIV. 3 (tai chong), etc.


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Syndrome (b)
Deficiency of Qi and Blood


A person with a deficiency of qi and blood will have patches on their skin which may be light red or dark. These patches may come and go. They might also feel dizzy, tired, short of breath with a poor appetite. Other distinguishing features may be a sallow complexion and a pale tongue with thin, white coating.

To treat by Herbal medicine
Therapeutic principle: To treat this using herbal medicine, herbs may be used to boost the qi and nourish the blood flowing through the system.

Prescription/Formula: Modified Decoction for Invigorating the Spleen and Nourishing the Heart (modified gui pi tang) Codonopsis (dang shen), astraglus (huang qi), white atractylodes (bai zhu), tangui (dang gui), rehmannia (sheng di) 9g each, licorice (gan cao) 5g, (xian he cao) 30g, jujube (da zao) 10 pieces, etc.

Simple prescription: Jujube (da zao) 15 pieces, licorice (gan cao) 9g, decoct them for oral administration. Take one half of the decoction each time, twice daily to treat allergic purpura due to insufficiency of the spleen.


To treat by Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Therapeutic principle: Boosting the qi and nourishing the blood by a reinforcing method and moxibustion

Prescription: Ren 6 (qi hai), Ren 3 (guan yuan), ST. 36 (zu san li), BL.17 (ge shu), BL. 23 (shen shu), etc.


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5. Healing by Other Therapies

(a) Qigong and other therapies

For effect of Qigong on respiratory system, click here.

Generally speaking, Qigong is good for healing effect of this specific ailment, however individual results may vary. It improves the flow of the qi and the circulation of the blood, so you'll experience more energy, but, you won't see/ feel any immediate effects, as with many exercises and therapies, it takes a few weeks or even months of practice before you'll see any significant improvements.

The following types of Qigong may help:

For the information of different types of Qigong ,just click a link above.
This information is for education purpose only. We strongly advise you seek a licensed Qigong master to learn the correct ways to conduct these exercises before attempting them.

(b) Medicated diet
1) Put appropriate quantity of Green Gram Seed (Ludou) into the water to cook until it is soft enough to eat. Drink the soup and eat the Green Gram Seed so as to relieve internal heat.
2) Chinese Date ( Dazao) 15 pieces, Liquorice Root (Gancao) 9g,
Put them into water to decoct. Take one prescription a day, twice a day.

(c) Life style
1) Having found out the cause of allergy, the patient should avoid any touch of the same food or drug, such as eggs, milk, fish and shrimp, or some antibiotic.
2) Do more exercises to increase disease-resistance. If the focus of the disease such as Tonsillitis is found, the patient should go to see the doctor immediately.

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Healthphone.com greatly acknowledges the support and dedication of our
Healing Centre Panel, without whom this section would not be possible.

We also greatly acknowedge Ms. Najaf Munir, MBBS, for her editorial support. Ms. Munir simplified the highly technical medical documents into easy-to-read documents, for the enjoyment and education of our numerous visitors.





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