主頁 傳統中醫 中藥治療 針灸治療 按摩治療 瑜伽治療 食物治療 運動治療
中醫治不育症 中醫痛症趺打 中醫治癌症 中醫減肥 中醫治失眠 中醫治肝臟疾病 中醫治腎病 中醫治療中心

本網頁的中文版即將推出,請先閱覽英文版。 如有不便之處,敬請原諒

Important Note: Although the information in this section was written by Healthphone.com's Healing Centre Panel of professional Chinese doctors, licensed acupuncturists, herbalists and other experts, Healthphone.com accepts no legal responsibility nor liability for any errors or omissions. The information in this section is presented as is, for educational purposes only. As with any medical matter, always consult your healthcare professional before acting on any health-related information.

Click here to learn more about our Healing Centre Panel.



The preparation of The Healing Centre is an enormous job. It involves many of the most famous Chinese medicine practitioners and Western doctors in their respected fields. When complete, our Healing Centre will provide the most useful and practical information for educational purposes. In the first phase, we'll have over 3,000 different ways of healing for over 130 of the most common and serious ailments.

So far we have completed more than 80 percent of the task and we are still working hard to complete them soon. We apologize for the lack of information on this particular article -- it is still being reviewed and edited. The content will be available soon. Alternatively, please check out the healing information for other aliments in the rest of our Healing Centre.

Please click here to see the members of the panel.





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