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1. Overview and Causes
2. Symptoms
3. TCM Effectiveness and Evaluation
4. Common Syndromes and Treatments in TCM
  a. Blood -heat
  b. Deficiency of both qi and blood
  c. Deficiency of kidney
5. Healing by Other Therapies
Qigong and other
Medicated diet
Life style


1. Overview and Causes

Colporrhagia during pregnancy refers to a small amount of vaginal bleeding without lumber (loin) soreness and abdominal pain. This condition could have a variety of causes ranging from local to serious ones.The condition if not treated in time can result in a miscarriage. In TCM it is categorized as "tai lou".

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2. Symptoms

A small amount of vaginal bleeding without lumbar soreness and abdominal pain, and a positive pregnancy test.

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3. TCM Effectiveness and Evaluation

TCM has some effects on this disease.

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4. Common Syndromes and Treatments in TCM

This ailment, according to TCM, has different syndromes. The treatment for these syndromes using herbal medicine and acupuncture is shown below.

Syndrome (a)
Blood -heat

A small amount of vaginal bleeding with bright red color, restlessness with feverish sensation in the palm, dry mouth and throat, red tongue with yellow and dry fur, rapid pulse.

To treat by Herbal medicine
Therapeutic principle: Nourishing yin, clearing away heat and enriching the blood.

Prescription/Formula: Modified decoction for protecting yin. Dried rehmannia root (Sheng Di)12g, prepared rehmannia root (Shou Di)12g, white peony root (Bai Shao)9g, scutellaria root (Huang Qin)9g, phellodendron (Huang Bai)9g, Chinese yam (Shan Yao)15g, dipsacus root (Chuan Duan)15g, boehmeria root (Chu Ma Gen)12g.


To treat by Acupuncture and Moxibustion


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Syndrome (b)
Deficiency of both qi and blood

A small amount of vaginal bleeding with reddish and thin blood, fatigue and lassitude in the limbs, palpitation (noticeable and irreguar heartbeat), shortness of breath, pale tongue with white and thin fur, thready and slippery pulse.

To treat by Herbal medicine
Therapeutic principle: Invigorating qi and enriching the blood to prevent abortion.

Prescription/Formula: Modified decoction for preventing abortion. Ginseng (Yen Shen)6g, bighead atractylodes root (Bai Zhu)9g, tangerine peel (Chen Pi)9g, eucommia bark (Du Zhong)9g, white peony root (Bai Shao)9g, prepared rehmannia root (Shou Di)12g, astragalus root (Huang Qi)15g, donkey-hide gelatin (E Jiao)30g (melted), prepared licorice root (Zhi Gan Cao)6g.


To treat by Acupuncture and Moxibustion


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Syndrome (c)
Deficiency of kidney

Vaginal bleeding with the blood darkish in color, dizziness, tinnitus (ringing in ears), or with history of abortions, pale tongue with white fur, deep and slippery pulse especially weak at chi site.

To treat by Herbal medicine
Therapeutic principle: Reinforcing the kidney to prevent abortion and invigorating qi as subsidiary treatment.

Prescription/Formula: Miscarriage prevention bolus with additional ingredients Loranthus mulberry mistletoe (Sang Ji Sheng)18g, dipsacus root (Chuan Duan) 15g, dodder seed (Tu Si Zi)15g, donkey -hide gelatin (E Jiao)12g (melted), dangshen (Dang Shen)12g, bighead atractylodes rhizome (Bai Zhu)9g


To treat by Acupuncture and Moxibustion


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5. Healing by Other Therapies

(a) Qigong and other therapies

For effect of Qigong on the Nervous System Function, click here.

Generally speaking, Qigong is good for healing effect of this specific ailment, however individual results may vary. It improves the flow of the qi and the circulation of the blood, so you'll experience more energy, but, you won't see/ feel any immediate effects, as with many exercises and therapies, it takes a few weeks or even months of practice before you'll see any significant improvements.

The following types of Qigong may help:

For the information of different types of Qigong ,just click a link above.

This information is for education purpose only. We strongly advise you seek a licensed Qigong master to learn the correct ways to conduct these exercises before attempting them.

(b) Medicated diet
Argy Wormwood Leaf (Aiye) 15g, Fresh Ginger (Shengjiang) 25g, 2 eggs.
Put them into a pot with appropriate quantity of water, cook until the eggs are done. Shell the eggs and put them back into the soup to simmer for a few more minutes. Eat the eggs and drink the soup, twice a day.

Caution: This medicated diet is not suitable for
patients who suffer from colporrhagia with Blood -heat.

(c) Life style
1. Don't take any alcohol and soft drinks.
2. Refrain from eating seafood, eggs, beef, mutton, chicken and pungent food.
3. Lie in bed, rest quietly to recuperate, so as to prevent miscarriages.
4. Abstain from sex.

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Healthphone.com greatly acknowledges the support and dedication of our
Healing Centre Panel, without whom this section would not be possible.

We also greatly acknowedge Ms. Najaf Munir, MBBS, for her editorial support. Ms. Munir simplified the highly technical medical documents into easy-to-read documents, for the enjoyment and education of our numerous visitors.





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