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Important Note: Although the information in this section was written by Healthphone.com's Healing Centre Panel of professional Chinese doctors, licensed acupuncturists, herbalists and other experts, Healthphone.com accepts no legal responsibility nor liability for any errors or omissions. The information in this section is presented as is, for educational purposes only. As with any medical matter, always consult your healthcare professional before acting on any health-related information.

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1. Overview and Causes
2. Symptoms
3. TCM Effectiveness and Evaluation
4. Common Syndromes and Treatments in TCM
  a. Deficiency of Kidney
  b. Deficiency of Qi
  c. Smouldering of liver
  d. Blood stasis due to stagnancy of Qi
  e. Humidity of phelgm
5. Healing by Other Therapies
Qigong and other
Medicated diet
Life style


1. Overview and Causes

Infertility is a condition in which two people cohabit for more than two years without using contraception and still being unable to produce children. There are four types of inferitility: a) primary infertility b) secondary infertility c) absolute infertility d) relative infertility. Female infertility may be because of irregular or no ovulation, blocked tubes etc. while male infertility could be a result of low sperm count or defective sperms. According to the Traditional Chinese Medicine, the mechanism of infertility is due to the insufficiency of kidney essence, deficiency of Qi and blood, heat in the liver and stagnancy of qi, obstruction of phlegm and stasis of blood, coagulation of cold in womb and so on.

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2. Symptoms

3. TCM Effectiveness and Evaluation

The treatment course lasts for at least three months. In general, one or two courses are advised. In the treatment of 750 infertility cases 585 of them were cured. The curative rate (conception rate) was 78%.

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4. Common Syndromes and Treatments in TCM

This ailment, according to TCM, has different syndromes. The treatment for these syndromes using herbal medicine and acupuncture is shown below.

Syndrome (a)
Deficiency of Kidney

1.Bias Deficiency of kidney yang
A person with a bias deficiency of kidney yang may be tired, weak in the loins and in the legs, have an irregular menstruation, and have an aversion to cold. He or she would have a deep pulse and a tongue with thin white fur.

To treat by Herbal medicine
Prescription/Formula: Radix Rehmanniae 30 g, Rhizoma Dioscroreae 15 g, Fructus Lycii 12 g, Poria 9 g, Ramulus Cinnamomi 5 g, Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae 15 g, Herba Epimedii 15 g, Rhizoma Curculiginis 15 g, Radix Aconiti Praeparata 6 g (boiled in advance), Radix Linderae 9 g, Radix Glycyrrhizae 3 g.


To treat by Acupuncture and Moxibustion



2. Bias Deficiency of kidney yin

A person with a bias deficiency of kidney yin shows a lack of strength, weak loins and legs, a flushing face with reddish lips, and heat in the palms and soles. They also have a rapid pulse, and a red tongue without fur.

To treat by Herbal medicine
Prescription/Formula: Radix Rehmanniae 30 g, Radix Dioscoreae 15 g, Fructus Corni 12 g, Poria 9 g, Rhizoma Alismatis 9 g, Cortex Moutan Radicis 9 g, Fructus Ligustri Lucidi 15 g, Herba Ecliptae 12 g, Cortex Lycii Radicis 9 g, Fructus Lycii 12 g, Herba Mentha 3 g, Radix Glycyrrhizae 3 g.


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Syndrome (b)
Deficiency of Qi

A person with a deficiency of Qi is usually restless, with a quick pulse. His heartbeat may be decreased and feeble, while his tongue is pale.

To treat by Herbal medicine
Prescription/Formula: Radix Angelicae Sinensis 12 g, Colla Corii Asini 9 g, Radix Dipsaci 15 g, Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong 5 g, Ramulus Cinnamomi 5 g, Fructus Ziziphi Jujubae 5 pieces, Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae 30 g, Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 15 g, Radix Rehmanniae 15 g, Radix Paeoniae Alba 9 g, Fructus Euodiae 6 g Rhizoma Zingiberis 9 g, Radix Glycyrrhizae 6 g.


To treat by Acupuncture and Moxibustion


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Syndrome (c)
Smouldering of liver

A smouldering (heat) of the liver causes discomfort in the chest and the flanks or a distending pain in the breasts. It may also cause a deep, taut pulse with a purple tongue.

To treat by Herbal medicine
Prescription/Formula: Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 12 g, Radix Paeoniae Alba 12 g, Poria 9 g, Cortex Moutan Radicis 15 g, Rhizoma Cyperi 12 g, Fructus Trichosanthis 12 g, Spina Gleditsiae 12 g, Semen Vaccariae 15 g, Medulla Tetrapancis 6 g, Radix Codonopisis Pilosulae 12 g, Rhizoma Corydalis 9 g, Radix Glycyrrhizae 3 g.


To treat by Acupuncture and Moxibustion


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Syndrome (d)
Stasis of blood due to stagnancy of Qi

This would cause a stabbing pain in the lower belly, a discomfort in the chest and flanks, or a distending pain in the breasts. It may also cause a deep, taut pulse, with a dark, purple tongue.

To treat by Herbal medicine
Prescription/Formula: Radix Angelicae Sinensis 15 g, Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong 9 g, Semen Periscae 12 g, Flos Carthami 9 g, Fructus Trichosanthis 9 g, Spina Gelditsiae 12 g, Semen Vaccariae 15 g, Radix Bupleuri 6 g, Rhizoma Cyperi 9 g, Rhizoma Coptidis 3 g, Fructus Euodiae 3 g, Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae 9 g, Fructus Amomi 3 g (decocted later), Pollen Typhae 9 g (wrapped), Faeces Trogoperorum 9 g, Radix Glycyrrhizae 3 g.


To treat by Acupuncture and Moxibustion


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Syndrome (e)
Humidity of phlegm

A person with humid phlegm would be obese, with a preference for fatty food. He might suffer from dizziness, and tiredness. He might also have a rapid, pulse, and white yellow greasy fur on the tongue.

To treat by Herbal medicine
Prescription/Formula: Rhizoma Pinelliae 9 g, Rhizoma Atractylodis 9 g, Rhizoma Cyperi 9 g, Medicated Leaven 12 g, Poria 9 g, Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 9 g, Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong 5 g, Fructus Amomi 3 g (put in later), Herba Eupatorii 9 g, Radix Glycyrrhizae 3 g.


To treat by Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Prescription/Formula: Guanyuan (RN4), Zhongji (RN3), Shenshu (BL23), Sanyinjiao (SP6).


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5. Healing by Other Therapies

(a) Qigong and other therapies

For effect of Qigong on the Nervous System Function, click here.

Generally speaking, Qigong is good for healing effect of this specific ailment, however individual results may vary. It improves the flow of the qi and the circulation of the blood, so you'll experience more energy, but, you won't see/ feel any immediate effects, as with many exercises and therapies, it takes a few weeks or even months of practice before you'll see any significant improvements.

The following types of Qigong may help:

For the information of different types of Qigong ,just click a link above.

This information is for education purpose only. We strongly advise you seek a licensed Qigong master to learn the correct ways to conduct these exercises before attempting them.

(b) Medicated diet
1. Cervi Colla Cornus(Lujiaojiao) 15-20g, Nonglutinous Rice(Jingmi) 100g, Ginger 3 pieces. Cook the rice first, then add Cervi Colla Cornus, ginger into the pot, cook them together. Eat the gruel when it done.
2. Walnut Meat(Hetaoren) 250g, Sea Horse(Haima) 30g. Put them into yellow wine a few days, then drink the wine.
3. Stir-fried Coix Seed(Chaoyimii)
30g, Tangerine Peel(Chenpii) 6g, add appropriate quantity of rice. Cook them together, and eat the gruel.

(c) Life style
1. Keep healthy mood.
2. Avoid spicy food, smoking and wine.
3. Avoid catching cool water, don't stay in cold or wet environment.

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Healthphone.com greatly acknowledges the support and dedication of our
Healing Centre Panel, without whom this section would not be possible.

We also greatly acknowedge Ms. Najaf Munir, MBBS, for her editorial support. Ms. Munir simplified the highly technical medical documents into easy-to-read documents, for the enjoyment and education of our numerous visitors.





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