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1. Overview and Causes
2. Symptoms
3. TCM Effectiveness and Evaluation
4. Common Syndromes and Treatments in TCM
  a. Heart Disturbed by pathogenic Fire-heat
  b. Deficiency of the Heart-blood
  c. Blood Stasis in the Heart
5. Healing by Other Therapies
Qigong and other
Medicated diet
Life style


1. Overview and Causes

Viral myocarditis is the inflammation of the muscles in the walls of the heart due to a viral infection. As a result of the inflammation, the heart muscle cells die and become fibrosed, thereby, reducing the normal functioning of the heart. This disease belongs to the category of "xin ji" (palpitation) in TCM.

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2. Symptoms

(a) Clinical manifestations of viral myocarditis vary. There are prodromal symptoms preceding the onset of myocarditis, such as fever, cough, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain or diarrhea. Myalgia (muscle pains) and arthralgia (joint pains) may be present.

(b)The symptoms of myocarditis include listlessness, pallor, fatigue, hyperhidrosis (increased and uncontroled sweating), dizziness, palpitation (noticeable and irregular heartbeat), discomfort in the precordial (in front of the heart) area and loss of appetite. Heart failure and cardiogenic shock may occur in severe cases.

(c) Physical examination may reveal cardiac enlargement, less audible heart sounds and disturbance in the regular rhythm of the heart.

(d) Laboratory examinations may show elevated and disturbed heart enzymes.

(e) Electrocardiogram (ECG) shows specific changes.

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3. TCM Effectiveness and Evaluation

(a) The studies showed recently, that "astragalus" root not only reduces the myocardial damage, but it also adjusts immune imbalance. Astragalus root can prolong the life of a cell and strengthen heart muscle.

(b) When the patients are in the recovering stage, frequent recurrence, or the low state of immune function, TCM's treatment may lessen the severity of the disease and prevent the recurrences and improve the condition by promoting tonic-qi

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4. Common Syndromes and Treatments in TCM

This ailment, according to TCM, has different syndromes. The treatment for these syndromes using herbal medicine and acupuncture is shown below.

Syndrome (a)
Heart Disturbed by pathogenic Fire-heat

Palpitation (noticeable and irrgular heartbeat), tendency to be frightened, anger, thirst, flushed face, dark urine, dry and deep-red tongue, smooth and rapid pulse.

To treat by Herbal medicine
Therapeutic principle: Clearing away heat-fire and tranquilizing the mind.

Prescription/Formula: lophatherim, Herba Lophatheri 9g forsythia fruit, Fructus Forsythiae 9g lotus plumule, Plumula Nelumbinis 6g serophularia root, Radix Serophulariae 9g wild jujuga seed, Semen Ziziphi Spinosae 15g Chinese angelica root, Radix Angelicae Sinensis 9g dried rehmannia root, Radix Rehmanniae 9g amber, Succinun 9g rhinoceros horn, Cornu Rhinoceri 1.5g (To be taken after being infused with the finished decoction )


To treat by Acupuncture and Moxibustion


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Syndrome (b)
Deficiency of the Heart-blood

Palpitations, pale complexion, pale lips, dizziness, general lassitude and weakness, anorexia, pale tongue, thready rapid or weak pulse.

To treat by Herbal medicine
Therapeutic principle: Enriching the heart-blood.

Prescription/Formula: Decoction for Invigorating the Spleen and Nourishing the Heart. dangshen, Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae 15g astragalus root, Radic Asrtagali seu Hedysari 15g Chinese angelica root, Radix Angelicae Sinensis 6g white atractylodes rhizome, Rhozoma Atratylidis Macrocephalae 9g poria with hostwood, Poria cum Ligno Hospite 9g fried wild jujuba seed, Semen Ziziphi Spinosae 15g longan pulp, Arillus Longan 9g polygala root, Radix Pilygalae 9g prepared liquorice, Radix Glycyrrhizae Praeparata 6g fresh ginger, Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens 1 slice Chinese-date, Fructus Ziziphi Fujubae 5 pieces.


To treat by Acupuncture and Moxibustion


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Syndrome (c)
Blood Stasis in the Heart

Palpitation or severe palpitation, tightness in the chest, or paroxysmal (attacks of) chest pain, dark purple tongue and weak pulse.

To treat by Herbal medicine
Therapeutic principle: Promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis.

Prescription/Formula: Modified Decoction for Removing Blood Stasis in the Chest. peach kernel, Semen Persicae 6g safflower, Flos Carthami 6g chuanxiong Rhizome, Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong 6g red peony root, Radix Paeniae Rubra 9g achyranthes root, Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae 9g biter orange, Fructus Aurantii 9g bupleurum root, Radix Bupleuri 9g platycodon root, Radix Plaltycodi 9g trichosanthes fruit, Fruit Trichosanthis 9g macrostem onion, Bulbus Allii Macrostemi 9g pinellia tuber, Rhixoma Pinelliae 9g Chinese angelica root, Radix Angelicae Sinensis 9g dried rehmannia root, Radix Rehmanniae 9g liquorice, Radix Glycyrrhixae 3g All the above drugs are to be decocted in water for oral administration.


To treat by Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Prescription: inshu (B 15) or Juyinshu (B 14), Neiguan (P 6), Shenmen (H 7) and Zusanli (S 36).

Supplementary Points: For heart disturbed by pathogenic (disease producing) fire-heat yinbai (Sp 1) and Jianshi (P 5) are added; for deficiency of heart-blood Pishu (B 20) Qihai (Ren 6) and Geshu (B 17); for heart-vessel stasis, Xuehai (Sp 10), Geshu (B 17), and Shaohai (H 3) are added.


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5. Healing by Other Therapies

(a) Qigong and other therapies

For effect of Qigong on the Nervous System Function, click here.

Generally speaking, Qigong is good for healing effect of this specific ailment, however individual results may vary. It improves the flow of the qi and the circulation of the blood, so you'll experience more energy, but, you won't see/ feel any immediate effects, as with many exercises and therapies, it takes a few weeks or even months of practice before you'll see any significant improvements.

The following types of Qigong may help:

For the information of different types of Qigong ,just click a link above.

This information is for education purpose only. We strongly advise you seek a licensed Qigong master to learn the correct ways to conduct these exercises before attempting them.

(b) Medicated diet
1. Lotus Seed(Lianzi) 6-15g, cook it in water and drink it as tea.
2. Wild Jujube Seed(SuanZaoren) 10-18g, cook it in water and drink it as tea before going to bed.
3. Poria(Fuling) 10-15g, cook it in water and drink it.
4. Helpful food: Animal's Heart, like pig's heart.

(c) Life style
1. Must lie in bed in the early period.
2. Take precaution against Influenza.
3. Avoid spicy or cold food.

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Healthphone.com greatly acknowledges the support and dedication of our
Healing Centre Panel, without whom this section would not be possible.

We also greatly acknowedge Ms. Najaf Munir, MBBS, for her editorial support. Ms. Munir simplified the highly technical medical documents into easy-to-read documents, for the enjoyment and education of our numerous visitors.





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