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1. Overview and Causes
2. Symptoms
3. TCM Effectiveness and Evaluation
4. Common Syndromes and Treatments in TCM
  a. Leukorrhagia due to dampness-heat
  b. Leukorrhagia due to deficiency of the spleen
  c. Leukorrhagia due to deficiency of the kidney
5. Healing by Other Therapies
Qigong and other
Medicated diet
Life style


1. Overview and Causes

Leukorrhagia refers to profuse leukorrhea (white or yellow discharge from the vagina) with abnormal color, quality and smell, accompanied with general or local symptoms. This may be a normal condition, increasing before and after menstruation but a large discharge indicates an infection somewhere in the genital tract. A common cause is thrush (fungal infection) but other causes are diseases such as gonorrhea, vulvovaginitis, pelvic inflammation and cervix cancer. In TCM it belongs to syndrome of "dai xia".

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2. Symptoms

(a) profuse and continuous discharge of leukorrhea
(b) leukorrhea with abnormal color, quality and smell
(c) constitutional or local symptoms

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3. TCM Effectiveness and Evaluation

TCM has some effects on leukorrhagia.

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4. Common Syndromes and Treatments in TCM

This ailment, according to TCM, has different syndromes. The treatment for these syndromes using herbal medicine and acupuncture is shown below.

Syndrome (a)
Leukorrhagia due to dampness-heat

Excessive leukorrhea with yellow color and fetid smell, vaginal itching, bitter mouth and dry throat, scanty dark urine, constipation, red tongue with yellow and greasy fur, rapid pulse.

To treat by Herbal medicine
Therapeutic principle: Clearing away dampness-heat to stop leukorrhagia.

Prescription/Formula: Recipe for stopping leukorrhagia. Umbellate pore fungus (Zhu Ling)9g, poria (Fu Ling)9g, plantain seed (Che Qian Zi)9g (wrapped in a piece of cloth), alismatis rhizome (Ze Xie)9g, oriental wormwood (Yin Chen)9g, red peony root (Chi Shao)9g, moutan bark (Dan Pi)9g, phellodendron bark (Huang Bai)9g, capejasmine fruit (Zhi Zi)9g, achyranthes root (Niu Xi)9g.


To treat by Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Therapeutic principle: Clearing away dampness-heat to stop leukorrhagia.

Prescription: Daimai (G 26), Baihuanshu (B 30), Qihai (Ren 6), Sanyinjiao (Sp 6), Xingjian (Liv 2), Yinlingquan (Sp 9).


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Syndrome (b)
Leukorrhagia due to deficiency of the spleen

Whitish or yellowish, continuous sticky leukorrhagia, but without foul smell, pale or sallow complexion, fatigue, poor appetite, pale tongue with white or greasy fur, moderate and weak pulse.

To treat by Herbal medicine
Therapeutic principle: Strengthening the spleen and replenishing qi and removing dampness.

Prescription/Formula: Decoction for curing leukorrhagia. Bighead atractylodes (Bai Zhu)9g, Chinese yam (Shan Yao) 15g, ginseng (Ren Shen)6g, white peony root (Bai Shao) 9g, tangerine peel (Chen Pi)9g, atractylodes rhizome (Cang Zhu)9g, carbonized schizonepeta (Jie Sui Tan)6g, plantain seed (Che Qian Zi)9g (wrapped in a piece of cloth before it is decocted), bupleurum (Chai Hu)9g, licorice root (Gan Cao)6g.

Simple Prescription: Gordon euryale (Qian Shi) 30g (Concentrated herbal granule), dissolve it in hot water and drink daily.


To treat by Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Therapeutic principle: Strengthening the spleen and replenishing qi and removing dampness.

Daimai (G 26), Baihuanshu (B 30), Qihai (Ren 6), Sanyinjiao (Sp 6), Guanyuan (Ren 4), Zusanli (S 36).


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Syndrome (c)
Leukorrhagia due to deficiency of the kidney

Leukorrhea is lucid, cold, thin, and profuse, and is discharged continuously. The waist is sore and the abdomen feels cold, pale tongue with white and thin fur, deep and slow pulse.

To treat by Herbal medicine
Therapeutic principle: Warming yang and tonifying the kidney to stop leukorrhagia.

Prescription/Formula: Tonifying interior pill. Pilose antler (Lu Rong)1.5g, dodder (Tu Si Zi)9g, flatstem milkvetch seed (Tong Ji Li)9g, cinnamon bark (Rou Gui)4g, astragalus root (Huang Qi)15g, mantis egg-case (Sang Piao Xiao)9g, desertliving cistanche (Rou Cong Rong)9g, prepared aconite root (Zhi Fu Zi)6g, tribulus fruit (Bai Ji Li)9g, aster root (Zi Yuan)6g.

Simple Prescription: Chinese yam (Shan Yao)30g and plantain seed (Che Qian Zi)15g (concentrated herbal granule). Dissolve them in hot water and drink daily.


To treat by Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Therapeutic principle: Warming yang and tonifying the kidney to stop leukorrhagia.

Daimai (G 26), Baihuanshu (B 30), Qihai (Ren 6), Sanyinjiao (Sp 6), Guanyuan (Ren 4), Zusanli (S 36).


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5. Healing by Other Therapies

(a) Qigong and other therapies

For effect of Qigong on the Nervous System Function, click here.

Generally speaking, Qigong is good for healing effect of this specific ailment, however individual results may vary. It improves the flow of the qi and the circulation of the blood, so you'll experience more energy, but, you won't see/ feel any immediate effects, as with many exercises and therapies, it takes a few weeks or even months of practice before you'll see any significant improvements.

The following types of Qigong may help:

For the information of different types of Qigong ,just click a link above.

This information is for education purpose only. We strongly advise you seek a licensed Qigong master to learn the correct ways to conduct these exercises before attempting them.

(b) Medicated diet
1. Hyacinth bean: Have 60g of hyacinth bean seeds stir-fried in cooking oil and seasoned with salt, then add water to boil it until it is done. Take it twice a day, successively for a week.
2. Ginkgo Seed (Baiguo) 6g, Lotus Seed (Lianzi) 15g, rice 50g, a whole dark-bone chicken (Wuguji), with the internal organs removed.
Grind the Ginkgo Seed and Lotus Seed into powder, put the powder into the chicken's chest, then put rice and water into the pot, cook it with slow fire until it it is done. Eat the chicken and drink the gruel twice a day.

(c) Life style
1) Pay attention to personal hygiene. Keep the genital organs clean.
2) Avoid pungent and stimulant food.

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Healthphone.com greatly acknowledges the support and dedication of our
Healing Centre Panel, without whom this section would not be possible.

We also greatly acknowedge Ms. Najaf Munir, MBBS, for her editorial support. Ms. Munir simplified the highly technical medical documents into easy-to-read documents, for the enjoyment and education of our numerous visitors.





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