Western medicine focus on diet and exercises to treat overweight and obesity while Tradtional Chinese Medicine (TCM) takes a holistic approach to obesity by focussing on the underlying changes in the body. There are two reasons for overwight and obesity 1. Intrinsic genetic TCM believes that there are two types of person who will get fat more easily. They are "Chill and Damp" type. Those type of people have poor overall metabolism, their body is very easy to stock wastage and further accumulate fat. They also prone to accumulation water. Those people although eating not too much, they will become fat easily. On the contrary, people with active metabliic are refer to "dry-type" or "heat-type" type. No matter how much they eat, they have less chance of overweight and obesity. Therefore, to maintain body balance, you can prevent overweight and obesity. 2. Eating habits Another reason for obesity is due to dietary imbalance and excess
nutrients. In this case, regulated diet is the key to weight loss.
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