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Cirrhosis is a condition in which the liver slowly deteriorates and malfunctions due to chronic injury. Scar tissue replaces healthy liver tissue, partially blocking the flow of blood through the liver. It is the final phase of chronic liver disease

The Common causes of chronic liver disease in the United States include:

  • Hepatitis C infection (long-term infection)
  • Long-term alcohol abuse (see alcoholic liver disease)
  • Autoimmune inflammation of the liver
  • Disorders of the drainage system of the liver (the biliary system), such as primary biliary cirrhosis and primary sclerosing cholangitis
  • Hepatitis B (long-term infection)
  • Metabolic disorders of iron and copper (hemochromatosis and Wilson's disease)
  • Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)


There may be no symptoms at the beginning or Symptoms may develop gradually. When symptoms do occur, they can include:

  • Weight Loss rapidly
  • Weakness
  • Abdominal indigestion or pain
  • Impotence, loss of interest in sex
  • Confusion or problems thinking
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Nosebleeds or bleeding gums
  • Pale or clay-colored stools
  • Small, red spider-like blood vessels on the skin
  • Swelling or fluid buildup of the legs (edema) and in the abdomen (ascites)
  • Vomiting blood or blood in stools
  • Yellow color in the skin, mucus membranes, or eyes (jaundice

How cirrhosis is treated?

Treatment for cirrhosis depends on the cause of the disease and what kind of complications are present. The objective of the treatment both in Western medicine and Chinese Medicine is to slow the progression of scar tissue in the liver and prevent or treat the complications of the disease depends on the condition of the patient. .

Nutritious and carefully planned diet plays a very important role in treating this disease. practitioners may recommend a meal plan that is well balanced. A sodium-restricted diet is recommended. A person with cirrhosis should not eat raw shellfish, which can contain a bacterium that causes serious infection.

Avoiding alcohol, smoking and other substances that might hurt the liver. People with cirrhosis are encouraged not to consume any alcohol or illicit substances, as both will cause more liver damage. Because many vitamins and medications-prescription and over-the-counter-can affect liver function, a practitioner should be consulted before taking them.

It is recommended that the cirrhosis patient should seek Western medicine as the major role in the treatment. A liver transplant may be considered when complications cannot be controlled by treatment. At the same time, it is strongly recommended to use Chinese Medicine and acupuncture for the supplementary treatment especially in food management and diet.

Chinese medicine and acupuncture are able to increase and enhance the self-defense and immune system and balance the liver and other organs. In Tradition, Chinese Medicine, herbs and food go hand in hand in influencing the body's energy fields. A patient's diet must align with medications taken for the benefits to be fully realized. TCM has a complete system in food management and diet. This system clearly identify different kinds of food have specific advantage or disadvantage to certain disease, particular in cirrhosis.

Life style

1. Patient must maintain a positive and optimistic attitude. He/she with cirrhosis will experience certain degree of discomfort, his/her self-psychological adjustment is very important. He /she must build confidence and strong determination to face the challenge and beat this disease. With the hardworking of the scientists and practitioners, new development in the treatment of cirrhosis has achieved and the complete recovery of this disease is able to achieve soon.
2. Adequate rest and sleep are extremely important for the patient. Do not under-estimate this disease. Sometimes, the development of cirrhosis is hidden, the patients need regular checks to monitor the progress and the situation.
3. Control and suitable diet. Adequate nutrition to facilitate the rehabilitation and repair of liver tissue. Do not take alcohol and do not smoking tobacco. Alcohol has enormous harm to liver. Avoid eating spicy and hard-to-digest food. Eat plenty of protein rich foods such as milk, soy milk, eggs, etc., and rich food contains vitamins. Eat fresh vegetables and fruit.
4. Do some moderate exercises. Chinese therapeutic exercises (TaiChi and QiGong) is excellent especially after a stable condition is achieved. TaiChi and QiGong are slow-motion, moving, meditative exercise for relaxation, health. The purpose of both exercises is to enable a person to regulate and direct the flow of qi within his or her own body. They are excellent exercises for restoring health after treatment.


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