Acupuncture Treatment
in Sanjiu Medical Centers
Sanjiu (999) Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Medical Center is
one of the best high performance acupuncture establishment in the
world. We have a practitioner's guide handbook including all of
the code of practice in acupuncture treatments. All practitioners will
follow the protocol and procedure in order to carry out the session,
which makes the treatment standardized and safe. We use modern acupuncture
technology to treat patients. We also provide a safe, comfortable,
and relaxing environment to our clients.
practitioners and acupuncturists
Our Chinese Medicine practitioners at Sanjiu are all exceptionally experienced
and qualified in acupuncture. They hold Master's and Doctoral degrees
and graduated from famous medical universities. They have in depth
knowledge and vast experience and practice both Western and Chinese
Medicine in hospitals in China. Our acupuncturists and Chinese Medicine
practitioners are trained in both systems and they are competent both.
Our practitioners also professionally trained in the interpretation of
Western medical charts and lab reports. They are all registered
as practitioners of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture in Ontario, Canada.
On-job training are provided for our practitioners so that they have access
to the latest technology.
Communications between practitioners and patients
Our practitioners are caring and patient. They understand the anxiety
experienced by the patients, especially in those who are receiving
treatment for the first time. The practitioners will explain very clearly
about the procedures before proceeding in acupuncture treatment.
All of our acupuncturist and TCM practitioners are fluent in English.
The needles we use
We use the high performance and certified needles. We use only sterile,
prepackaged needles during treatment; each needle is used a single
time even when applying to the same patient. The used needles are
kept in the certified containers for proper disposal.
The facilities
We have separate treatment room for acupuncture and acupressure.
The bed and tables for treatment are comfortable, clean, and tidy.
Acupuncture treatment instruments
We use the most advanced acupuncture treatment instruments, such
as Electronic nerve and muscle stimulator, high performance electromagnetic
Therapeutic Apparatus etc.
Most private insurance covers acupuncture treatment. Each time after
the treatment, we shall provide an "Insurance Claim Form"
to the patients. The claim form will be signed by the our qualified
acupuncturists which are approved by the insurance companies.
Acupuncture Treatments are relaxing, enjoyable,
and virtually painless
Does Acupuncture Hurt?
You should only feel a slight sensation as the needle
contacts the Qi point. This feeling is known as 'deqi', or 'getting
Qi'. Deqi is not an unpleasant feeling and the sensation can manifest
in many forms. Commonly most people sense a dull ache, a general
numbness of the area, a tingling or a sensation of heat. In some
situations this sensation may travel the length of the meridian,
affecting entire regions of the body.
What are the needles
Acupuncture needles consist of a coiled handle and
an extremely fine, pointed shaft. The needles are solid and no substances
being injected into the body at any point. We use only sterile,
prepackaged needles during treatment, and each needle is used a
single time.
What happens during a
treatment session and how many do I require?
During a treatment session the practitioner selects
appropriate points based on the specified treatment prescribed.
The points of the needles may or may not be subsequently manipulated,
either manually, or by a small electronic device, this is intended
to achieve certain effects. A common course of treatment may involve
10-15 individual treatment sessions, once every second or third
day. However, frequency differs depending on the condition.
For more information please go to the top part of the page or click
here for more information about acupuncture.